The Sangria Monologues: "Poetry of A Mad Woman Effen with Love"

By Two Libras (other events)

Sunday, August 11 2013 2:00 PM 5:00 PM EDT

Two Libras presents..

The Sangria with Love”, are performed with live music. 

 Monologues: "Poetry of a Mad Woman Effen with Love" on Sunday August 11, 2013.
This is a savory food and sangria tasting that will be enjoyed while the monologues themed "Poetry of a Mad Woman Effen
This a "Happy Hour" that you don't want to miss.   Make it an afternoon with your friends, where you will be served with poetry, live music, good food, good drinks, and a good time all for a price ... $30.
We have a great show planned out for you.

Doors Open at 2:30 pm

Event starts promptly at 3:00 pm and ends at 6pm.

Come out and support grown people doing grown things to invoke growth.

Thank you kindly for your support  and we can’t wait to see you August 11th.
Some of the proceeds from this show will be invested into someones cause or dreams.